Game Day

Oh it’s raining outside and the kids are bored.  What to do?  What to do?  Have a game day!

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We took out every game possible that all of the kids could play.  We had friends bring games over as well.  The kids went from one game to the next to the next.

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After a couple of hours, I finally heard the words, “I’m getting bored.”  I was armed with a trick up my sleeve.  Earlier in the day, I had walked around the house filling a bucket with a bunch of items.  I filled the bucket with a ball, a deck of cards, a jar of marbles, balloons, dice and bottle caps.  When I heard those words, I took the bucket and told the kids I had a challenge for them.  The excitement rose!  I handed them the bucket and I told them that they were to work together and come up with a new game using the items in the bucket including the bucket.  They had to create their own rules and regulations and they had to use every item in the game.  They also couldn’t just invent a game they already knew.  For example, they couldn’t play foursquare with the ball and marbles with the marbles.  I couldn’t believe it, but this kept them busy for another hour and a half.  They created the game, they wrote down the rules and posted them and they even had prizes.  When they were finished, they had to actually play the game.  I have to say it was a lot of fun.

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This was the bucket and all the items that were inside.

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This was the game they created.  As you can see, the door has the prizes taped to it.

2 thoughts on “Game Day

  1. Whoa! This means I actually have to interact with my kids and not stay on FB all day. Another awesome idea Noelle!!! I love it!

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